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1. Be a Shining Woman


To love each other when you are beautiful, rich, powerful, lover, mother of a family surrounded by society seems easy and yet many women who have almost everything do not feel fulfilled.

To be and appear the best of yourself, it is necessary to love yourself first.
You have to dare to want to be you and not a copy of your ideal.
By being you, you are successful because you do what you want using your natural talents.
You are no longer fighting against others but in harmony with yourself and you give meaning to your life.

You've undoubtedly invested in clothes, diets, sport, leisure, a nice house, your career but how much have you invested in asking yourself the right questions?
Were your choices really your own or those imposed by society or your loved ones?

If you don't feel fulfilled, shouldn't you change the way you do things? More of the same actions gives more of the same result.
Invest in yourself!
NLP coaching tools will help you:

  • have confidence in you

  • adopt the style that suits you

  • develop your natural talents

  • know what your real needs are

  • take the necessary actions to carry out your projects, achieve your goals

  • live the present moment with gratitude and happiness

  • being positive which attracts others and brings opportunity in all areas of your life

  • have harmonious relationships with your partner, children, friends, colleagues or clients

  • have a positive influence on those around you. To help the other, it is necessary to feel good.

  • achieve at your own pace

Coaching "being a fulfilled woman" is aimed at women from 15 to 75 years.

Prices for individuals 150 CHF /hour. Prices for companies on request.

Appointment and information:
06 04 49 94 18

Video 8:00 am - 10:00 pm 6 days a week

Face-to-Face Mulhouse - Basel
Monday:       8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Tuesday:       8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Thursday:     8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Friday:          8:00 am - 4:00 pm

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