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2. Develop your career

Jeune femme d'affaires

Individual coaching (in French, German or English)

Our professional life occupies an important place in our lifes. However, it does not always seem to satisfy us.
You want to get a job, grow, have more responsibilities, increase your income, be recognized.
You may be in a career transition, looking for a fulfilling job that is meaningful to you.
Do you want to be supported in taking on new role?
You want to live your professional daily life serenely and flourish there.

You dream of starting your own business.


Treat yourself to specialized professional career development coaching and take action!
NLP coaching tools, Non-Violent Communication (NVC) associated with Transactional Analysis will help you to:

  • Define what you want and what you need

  • Find self-confidence and feel secure

  • Communicate effectively, negotiate, manage conflicts

  • Have harmonious relationships at work

  • Thrive in what you do

  • Increase your leadership, influence

  • Manage your stress, find a balance

  • Take the necessary actions for the change you choose

  • Feel useful

  • Find a job

  • Become an actor in your professional life and no longer leave it in the hands of your hierarchy or fate.

Career Development Coaching is for you if you are motivated and want a change in your professional life or if you are forced to change.

Prices for individuals 150 CHF / hour. Consultation by video or face-to-face in Mulhouse Basel.
Prices for companies on request. Consultation at your premises.

Workshop: Management of difficult professional situations - Breaking the deadlock

This two-day workshop is for anyone who feels at a stalemate and wants a change.
The workshop includes a theoretical part on the management of emotions and communication as well as exercises to be practiced on site in pairs. You identify precisely the situation which triggers the unpleasant emotion, your fears and beliefs in this situation. You define a concrete action plan in which you integrate (if you wishe) what you have learned.
You can deepen this approach with a small coaching book provided during the workshop or individual coaching support.

Prices on request.

Powerful Coaching Questions:

- What are you passionate about?

- Name three specific things that would definitely be part of your ideal job or role, and three things that definitely wouldn’t.

- What could you imagine doing if you knew you couldn’t fail?

- How would a good friend describe what you are like? Which of your traits seem to stand out to others?

- What do you want to learn?

- When you’re engaged, energized, and enjoying life, what are you doing?

- How can you move from where you are to where you want to be?

Great Coaching Questions for Decision Making

  1. How will you make the decision?

  2. What factors will make the most difference to you?

  3. What do you need to know to make a great decision?

  4. What would a great decision look like?

  5. How do you usually make decisions?

  6. What other decision strategies could you use? Which methods do you want to try

  7. Principled: “How do the key principles and priorities you live by apply here?”

  8. Counsel: “What does your partner think? How about some key friends or advisors?”

  9. Rationale: “What are the pros/cons of pursuing each option? Which is most advantageous?”

  10. Spiritual: “What decision would best align with your faith? What is God saying to you on this?”

  11. Negative drives: “What fears or inner drives are influencing your response? How could you remove those things from the equation so you can make a better decision?”

  12. Cost: “What would it cost in terms of time and resources to do this? What would it cost if you don’t do this? What’s the cost if you don’t decide or let circumstances overtake you?”

Appointment and information:
06 04 49 94 18

Video 8:00 am - 10:00 pm 6 days a week

Face-to-Face Mulhouse - Basel
Monday:       8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Tuesday:       8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Thursday:     8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Friday:          8:00 am - 4:00 pm

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